Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have tried so many times in the last couple of days to write, with no success.  No writer's block here, just a whole lot of interruptions. 

All my attempts are in vain.  Late nights, we spend them chit-chatting.  Mid day naps? I need one, too.  Early mornings?  8:00 AM is not early enough!

My last failed endeavor at blogging began this morning.  I ate my breakfast and proceeded to type away and I hear, "Mommy, can I have some oatmeal?" followed by, "Can you get me some sweatpants and a T-shirt? I'm cold."

I guess that there are no such things as quiet moments when you have children, and with Abuela visiting?  No chance!

1 comment:

  1. I find the only time is when I sacrifice sleep for it. Either stay up later than everyone else or set the alarm an hour earlier. Depends if you're a morning or a night person I guess but time to think during the day is rare, even if you try to make some. I want time, but i don't want to take time away from my family to get it!
    I read a guy's story recently and for nearly twenty years he's gone to bed early then got up at midbnight and had 2 hours quiet time when the house is silent, then he goes back to bed. If you want quiet times to yourself when you have kids, you need a plan!
