If there is such a thing, I have way too many books in my possession. Besides 2 bookcases, I also have several piles of TBR (to-be-read) books around our space-challenged apartment, a couple boxes in the garage (which I frequent to rotate the ones in the bookcase), not to mention all the ones I purchase for my children.
I have loved books ever since I was able to escape to their dream worlds. I was not always as lucky as I am now; I did not have the means to amass books as a youngster. I scoured as many yard sales as I could to get my Sweet Valley High and Baby-Sitters Club series. That was never enough. My local library, however, had unlimited reading material for me to peruse.
I was there every Tuesday and Thursday without fail after my discovery. Whether it was to study or just read, the place held many wonders for me. Why not take a moment to visit your local library? There are many resources besides "just books" housed there. Go out and sign up for a library card. This coming week is a good time to start if you haven't visited your local library.
April 8-14, 2011 is National Library Week. I am going to try my best to post something library/book related every single day next week. Tall order, I know. But what better way to pay homage to a library that gave me so much? I can't think of anything better.
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