Wednesday, November 23, 2011


“Hello, my name is Monica, and I am unemployed.  It has been six months since I held my last job…” 
I cannot believe it has been that long.

Not that I have been idle, far from it.  Going to school, applying for work, taking care of my kids and my health has all taken a toll.

The picture could not be painted more clearly: Yes, the economy DOES suck.

However, life could not be better.

When I was little, my mom used to always say, “God does not give you more than you can handle.”  I don’t think that is necessarily true.  I believe God hands you the tools to endure life’s tribulations.  But as with everything, we have a choice as to what decision we will make. 

I am not going to lie.  When I discovered my unemployment compensation ran out this past weekend, I was incredibly worried.  How were we going to pay rent? Eat? Have enough gas to get to where we needed to be? Pay electricity?  Afford prescriptions?  WHY ME???  I wallowed in self-pity.

Then, I snapped out of it.  I started making a plan.  Our family had survived on one income in the past, even less than now, so I knew we could do it again.  Sacrifices needed to be made, but starvation and homelessness would not be the end result.

I do spend an incredible chunk of my time with my children, and since they are my most precious gifts, I am content.  The time will soon come when their friends will seem to know everything, so now is the time for me to impart all my wisdom.  They seem to be asking a lot of me lately, so perhaps staying home is a good idea for now. 

I have accepted where I am, but that does not mean I have settled.  I am thankful for the opportunities time off has afforded me.  While schoolwork (and housework – BARF) rule my life, and I have not received as many call backs for jobs as I am accustomed to, I figure it is all in God’s plan.  And I am okay with that.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Anchor Baby EStories: Board Games: Do They Cause Sarcasm?

Anchor Baby EStories: Board Games: Do They Cause Sarcasm?: Harry Potter Clue Playing a board game as a family is not like in the movies. It is not all fun and games. Well, not in my house anyway...

Board Games: Do They Cause Sarcasm?

Harry Potter Clue
Playing a board game as a family is not like in the movies.  It is not all fun and games.  Well, not in my house anyway.  Guess what I am doing right now?  I am ignoring my children as they argue with each other over a game of Harry Potter Clue.

"Ignoring children?  What a horrible parent!"  I can hear the reproach from here.  I figure my kids need to learn to argue effectively to be in good relationships in the future.  It's not like they are toddlers, so no tantrums are allowed (unless they are mine).

To my chagrin, they ARE using their words...unfortunately, it's in a loud and sarcastic way.  I have only myself to blame for that one.  Still, pretty soon I will lose my patience (or my hearing, not sure which will go first) and I will have to end the "fun" the way only this mom knows how: time to put the game away.  And then I will get, "But Mommy..." as if I haven't heard all their excuses already.

Sometimes, it is a struggle to get my almost-middle-schoolers to treat each other with respect.  Then again, I wasn't exactly a princess towards my brothers.  Maybe my plan IS working.  They just finished their first game, and are starting their second.  Let's see how many insults I hear this time!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Been Gone Long Time

It has been FOREVER since I have posted anything.  I am actually quite ashamed to not have kept up with my personal posts.  Have I just lost interest and no longer want to write?  No, it is just life that has ruled my little universe.

Number one: Football season.  This was my son's 4th year and he has become a little beast.  He has a stocky build and is not afraid to use it.  Fearless.  His adrenaline pumps as he smashes through the line and tackles someone down.  With practices being held three days a week and games on Sunday, I had no time for anything else.

Number two: College.  I upped the ante and hit the books.  Three classes to the start of a new working career.  The end is near for the semester, and I am so happy to have made the decision to return to school.   

Number three: Elementary School.  I have always been room mom for one of my kids classes, but this year, I got the privilege to be host to TWO classrooms.  Not as many parents are able to donate their time or money due to finances, and I was not going to leave those kids hanging.  I just helped out yesterday with the book fair, and let me tell you, it is so much fun helping the kids pick out books!

Number four: Family and Friends.  I had the pleasure of meeting my nephew, Rylie, for the first time.  The little bundle of 6-year-old energy was a blast to hang around with in Pennsylvania.  I cannot remember the last time I had played with Transformers or Legos.  Fun times.  Many friends were also having babies, so visiting them held my baby urges at bay :)

And finally, number five: Reading and Writing.  I have been trying to catch up on my reading.  I have a HUGE stack of TBR books, and it has only gotten bigger as I find new books to read.  The writing has taken form as a book review and an article for the school paper.  Might as well throw myself in there, right?

Okay, enough excuses.  I promise to write on a more consistent basis.  At least post once a week, if only to keep my sanity.  I have so many drafts saved of events I was going to post, I just need to step it up and finish the darn things.  Until next time...