Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Week of Unemployment

A friend of mine brought to my attention that I have not done much writing since I was laid off last week.   Even though I knew better, I figured I would have all the time in the world to write my days away.
Ha!  My existence has been filled with laundry and cleaning out the closets of clothes that no longer fit anyone.  Any free time is spent walking the pooch.  Poor Gryffin, with the numerous walks we have been on, he should be losing weight in no time!
Aside from housework and dog chasing, my time has been spent on that evil villain: TELEVISION.  Yes, I have made use of the boob tube, the small screen, the idiot box…all of the above.  Watching series I have always wanted to but never had the time to enjoy.
So even though I am enthralled by Battlestar Galactica, your tax dollars are not going to waste.  I am allowed to wallow in self-pity for a tad, but soon enough summer will be here. 
Summer = kids home all day + 2 college classes.  BOOM!  There goes my life of leisure.  Let’s not even get into the fact that I still have to find, apply and interview for a new job.  Ugh.
That closes out Week 1 of unemployment.  Moral of the story? Enjoy what you have when you have it, you never know when it will be gone.  Nothing is promised tomorrow. 
iHasta Luego!


  1. I was instantly captured by Battlestar Galactica. That's why I won't watch it! I'd be tempted to organise my life around it. I find TV really addictive. Hey, I'm praying for you about your next job if that's ok. Enjoy your pre-summer break though :).

  2. Thanks Mark! I can use all the prayers offered.

    I think the reason BSG is captivating is it shows us a glimpse of how humanity could react to an end of world scenario. Scary how we can be so "I" oriented.
